Friday, June 7, 2013

around the block "rooster"

okay so a few days ago i wrote a little about the moped. today while i was out riding around the block. you want beleive what i saw on the back roads and beyond..more mopeds, and get this, there are people riding bicycles everywhere. and man they spend alot of money on the costumes there wearing. funny helmets, funny shirts and i guess spandex pants. but  this stuff looks expensive. back in the day when rooster was a little rooster,i never had anything like that. It was pretty much what i was wearing that day ,is what i would ride a bike in. Blue jeans ,t-shirt,and boots and probably a bandana. yeap rooster growed up a redneck and yeap rooster lives where rednecks come from and yeap im proud to be a redneck. but seriously rooster is being seriously honest. IM really a retired redneck.... Come on!!!!!!  the rooster

Thursday, June 6, 2013

the rooster and sunshine

today is a great day for the rooster. im almost positive that my life is going to be spectactulur from here on out. so i thought i would wright a short ,but sweet modo of the rooster.  the rooster never quits ,like the sun. the rooster never gives up ,like the sun. and the rooster is diffanantly  on fire ,like the sun. but seriously the sun shining  on my life is wonderfull, there has never and will never be a better feeling than the sun shinning down on any all of us. hard work and ditermanation all ways pays off in the long run. so when things arent going the way you would like just look at the sun and thank god in heaven that it is still working. burning ,turningn,floating, and keeping us going. thank you god. the sun feels good!!!!and so do i!!    the rooster!!!!!!

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

not a moped

it was brought to my attention once again that there are alot of scooters (mopeds)on the road. i decided earlier today to take a count in 1 hour of how many scooters were on the road. it was a whopper number 17 scooters in a 5 mile radius.  there are old riders and there are young riders, young couple riders, redneck riders , big riders,little riders, tall riders,and short riders. i would like to point out that there are sober people and diffenantly non sober people riding this things around. i even saw a little moped gang riding around. hell there everywhere, what is going on here. it has really made me ,the rooster want to get a moped .just so i can meet all the fascinating people that have found away to get around the law of having a drivers license. one hundred and fifty miles to a GALLON come on! thanks for reading the rooster!!!!!!!

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

work does a body good!

it amazes me to see how many people out there go through life ,doing nothing. sitting ,looking, waiting ,trying to figure out what they are supposed to do next.. with my job i see it out there. knock knock and everybody is at home.. then i try and find glass are something with a reflection, so i can see if im doing what im supposed to be doing , and the answer is always yes. thats all the rooster does all day everyday,work,work ,work and work some more . i wish i could pass it along. hey there friend would you like some of my get up and go..i have enough for at least a small army. anyways i guees what im trying to say is im not tired, and im far from worn out and if i could find something to motivate the world i would be rich! get your motivation, $1 dollar get your motivation .one time deal $1 dollar. stop being lazy all it takes is a good kick in the butt and your off an running. No sirously, i just think people should be doing something. especially while the sun is out!!!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

smokeout 11

the rooster and daisy headin to the rock at smokeout 11. we went to do two thing ,see some kool bikes and  burn the tire off lucy. we had a pretty good time ,i just wish i could afford to stay and bring more chopper stuff to the event. simply because im really a biker first and a car enthussiat second. But all in all pretty good time.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

paying something for nothing

bloggin , i have no idea where to begin. so ill just start by complaining about my power bill. its already a misarable day outside almost sad. I spent the whole morning at my 78 year old mothers house watching movies. I decided around 3 or so to head home and write some bills out. When i opened the power bill ..... oh lord $419 dollars .... So i called the power company and there is nothing they can do about it..... Its my fault............ So i asked for a superviser....... she said its my fault..... but what really upset me was that i dont even have a choice on weither or not i can have a new meter. So basically i have to pay hte bill no matter what i think.... 12 years i've been here and it has never been $419 at the most $300. I feel like an idiot for allowing these people to get away with robbing me. well i guess thats about it for now im gonna have to warm up to being a blogger


    I'm asking you Y do people have to lie through life? I"m old enough to know that Lieing gets you absolutely no where in life. People think they got something when they perfect lieing.  Im here to tell all of you that if you lie ,it will come back on you three fold in life. o before you go and lie ,just remember what the Rooster said,there is a place for lairs when you die and when you die if you did lie in life you will be with all the lairs for an eternity. So look im not telling you what to do ,but please don't be a lair.  Oh! and if you are a lair please stay away from the rooster!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!